Friday 9 June 2017

Prathiyangara Devi Homam in Bangalore 90710 74433 /94824 22312

Prithyankara Devi Homa Pooja Conducted on 23.06.2017 Friday Evening 6.00 PM to 8.30 PM Please Call this Number 90710 74433 /94824 22312
Performing this puja is the main prayer commitment in this temple. To the best of their ability, devotees offer items needed for the Nikumbala Yagam, attend it with deep devotion and pray to the Goddess. Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi is a powerful Devi who is said to have destroyed Sarabeshwara's arrogance. (Sarabheswara is an avatar of Siva). She is also known as Narasimhika (in the Kalisahasranama Stotram): She who is the Ferocious Half Human Half Lion of Courage. It is said that when Narashimhika shakes her Lion's Mane, she throws the stars into disarray. She is enveloped as bliss in the letter "Ksham".
Puranas tell of different origins for Maha Prathiyangara Devi. Some say that Prathiyangara Devi emerged out from the third eye of Sarabheswarar (manifestation of Lord Shiva) with 1,008 lion faces, 2,016 hands and a blood-stained tongue protruding out. She helped to reduce the ferocity of Lord Narashima.
Others say that when all the Gods were helpless to pacify Lord Narashima, the three Goddess Parvathi Devi, Saraswathi Devi and Lakshmi Devi created Prathiyangara Devi and sent her to fierce Lord Narashima, who was destroying the whole world after he extinguished the Demon King Hiranyakashipu. When Prathiyangara Devi sat on Lord Narashima's thigh he was calmed down.
Some believe that in ancient times when two rishis, Prathiyangira and Angiras, were meditating, they discovered a goddess through a Moola Mantram who was nameless. Later she privileged the rishis by naming herself after them, and hence she was called Prathiyangara Devi.